Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Second Time Around

The Second Time Around

The first murder was only an accident. Ryan didn't meen to kill that boy, even if he did deserve it . He couldn't believe it. Not that he had taken away the life of an innocent boy. No, not at all. It was how good it felt. The blood streaming down his face and hands brought a demented kind of joy to him. That one murder brought Ryan to the dark side. Murder, drugs, alchohol, sex. Ryan was no longer the nice boy down the street. He joined a gang. He killed, and killed until he was the one that withered in pain on the dark, cold earth. Ryan was killed at the early age of 17, but that was not the end of his life.
He was allowed a second chance. Another chance to continue on in life, but not his life. He would have to change everything. Move to another country. Change his appearence. Stay unknown. He'd have to go through ten years of preperation before he could be sent back down, and so he did.

That.... was when he met her

What you once knew as 'The Guardian' has been changed to 'The Second Time Around'.

I changed the story but kept the characters and a few things the same. If you spot any mistakes, DO NOT HURT ME! I MAKE LOT OF MISTAKES,YES?

Lol, Ryan is bad-ass 8D


Hesbell said...

oh my, Ryan is a bad boy. Maybe you should go into more detail about it :P

Red-Rose said...

I will :)

I was just getting down Ryan's story before it waundered out of my head.