Sunday, December 28, 2008

Godot's 100 questions meme

Ok, I'm going to try my best to see how well I can roleplay as Godot... yeah. I know. I'm obssesed. Shut up. I'll be doing this with the 100 questions meme, but I could only find 90 ._.

1. If the person who hurt you the most showed up at your house with flowers and a card, and got down on his/her knees and apologized what would you do.
I'd be quite shock. Possibly frozen for a bit. As cold as a mug of coffee left out in the snow. I suppose I might murder her. Again.
2. Do you like anybody?
*sips coffee*
Once upon a time.
3. You're in the hospital- who would come visit you?
I'd hate to go back to that dreaded place again.
4. Anyone from your past over come to mind often?
Every second of the day I think about her .
5. What did your last text message say and from who?
I don't often text message with anyone... *sips coffee*
6. Who in your life has hurt you the most?
An answer known too well. It pains me to even type her name. Dahlia Hawthorne.
7. Is there someone you should hate, but you can't?
Possibly. There is a large number of people I mean to hate, but then I just forget.
8. What does your 8th text say?
...*sips coffee*
9. How often do you talk to this person.
And this person would be who? Trite?
10. Have you ever lost anyone close to you?
*sips coffee*
11. Is there anyone you trust even though you shouldn't?
Trusting people is a waste of time. That is one of my rules.
12.Ever given your all to someone that just walked away?
I suppose being poisened by this person doesn't count as walking away.. *sips coffee*13. Who was on your mind most of the day?
The same person that always is.... *sips cofee*
14. Some that happened today that made you angry.
My therapist told be I should try to keep calm at all times, but I had broken my visor today. Again .
15. What song are you listening to?
The Fragrnce of Dark Coffee
16. What are the lyrics?
No words could perfect the beauty of this song. That is how I like it.
17. Would you date/hook up with your brother's best friend?
And which brother would that be?
*sips coffee*
18. Do you hate the last person you were talking to?

I wasn't talking to Trite....

*sips coffee*

19. What do you get complimented on the most?

On the rare occasion I get complimants, they're usualy sarcastic ones on my metaphores. * shrugs and sips coffee*

20. Do you give rintones to certain people? If so, who and what?
*sips coffee*

21. Can you make yourself cry?
A lawyer never cries until it's all over.

22. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?

Yes. Killing Misty Fey.

23. Would you go back in time if given the chance?




24. Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap.
*sips coffee*
Nobody treats me like crap and lives.

25. Who have you texted in the last 24 hours?

I don't text.

26. Do you find the opposite sex confusing?

I rarely find anything confusing... *sips coffee*

27. How has the week been?

Bundles of fun. ( Can you spot the sarcasm? )

28. Last person you called when you were drunk?

I don't ever recal being drunk.... *sips coffee*

29. What is one thing you've learned about life.
Never trust anyone with butterflies hovering around them... *sips coffee*

30. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?

I do not have friends.

31. Is the person you like older or younger than you?


She was younger than me.

32. Do you hate the last person you IMed?
*sips coffee*

33. Ever almost get run over by a car?

A few times... *sips coffee*

34. Last time you laughed so hard you cried?

Before I 'fell asleep'. Kitten tripped a spilt coffee on Mr. Grossberg.

35. You can do one thing before you die, what is it?
Might as well die now and get over with it.
*sips coffee*

36. Name something that made you frown today.
I always frown. *sips coffee*

37. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you talk to 24/7.

I don't have friends. *sips coffee*

38. Any one you wish would fall of the planet?

Too many to count... *sips coffee*

39. Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with?

The conversationg before 'my death' with Mia was possibly the most deep and meaningful conversation I've ever had. (( OOC: I like to think he purprosed to her the day he was poisoned xD ))

40. Is there something you will never forget?
*sips coffeee*

I'm sure you know that answer by know.

41. Do you have trust issues?

I wouldn't call them issues.

42. Have you hated someone but then ended up friends with them?

I suppose. Well Trite and I aren't really friends, but I do hate him less now.

43. Is it easier to forgive or forget.

I'd say forgive, but I'd be lying.

44. Are you random?

Not at all *sips coffee*

45. Do you laugh alot.

Rarely, but I do often grin at Trite's mistakes.

46. You're really upset. Who is the first girl you call to vent?

I don't vent. *sips coffee*

47. Guy you would vent to.

See question above. *sips coffee*

48. Name the best people that could cheer you up:
There was only one person, and she's gone.

49. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?

I don't have friends....

50. Heard any good quotes lately?

Before God we are equaly wise - and equaly foolish.

51. When is your next road-trip?

I'm sure you can't road-trip while on parole... *sips coffee*

52. Do you know anybody by the name of Johnny?

Not that I can remember. *sips coffee*

53. If you could say anything to one person, what would it be?




I'm sorry.

54. Tears are falling from your face, what's the reason?
I told you once already. A lawyer doesn't cry until it's all over.

55. When someone calls you in the middle of the night, do you remember the conversation?

No one calls me during the night, or during the day. *sips coffee*

56. Is it easy for someone to make you smile.

No. Only one person could...

57. Do you think too much or too little?

I was told I think too much, but coming from Trite, I'm not sure what to think.

58. What are your pet peeves?

People like a certain she-devil. *sips coffee*

59. What is something you recently discovered?

Godot blend # 261 mixed with Godot blend # 385 tastes just like Godot blend # 759.

60. The best days of your life:

Ended over 5 years ago.

61. When was the laste time someone called you private?
.... *sips coffee*

62. Do you prefer call or text?

All though I don't use much of both, I'd have to say call. Better to hear people's expression's while threatening them... *sips coffee*

63. It's 3am, and you need to get away. Who do you call?

A taxi.

64. Thinking about anyone special?
You know it.

65. The last person you turned to for comfort.

I don't turn to anyone for comfort. I don't need it... *sips coffee*

66. Do you have a guitar in your house?

Why would I? *sips coffee*

67. Next time you'll kiss someone?

After I die *smirks*

68. Ever expierence a near death experience?

I suppose dying doesn't count as a near death experience... *sips coffee*

69. What do miss most about your past?
*sips coffee*

70. Do you have anyone you consider a brother/sister even though they aren't?
Of course not.

71. Have you ever had anyone sing to you?
Mia tried... and failed * chuckles*

72. If you need a new pair of jeans, where do you go first?

I don't wear jeans. *sips coffee*

73. Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?

It hardly rings at all.

74. Are you dating the person you text the most?
... *sips coffee*

75. Who knows a dark secret or two about you?
Anyone who reads the papers or goes on the internet.

76. Who would you like to see right now?

Don't ask questions you already know answers too... *sips coffee*

77. Did/do you miss someone today?

*sigh* Now you're just annoying. You know the answer to this one too.

78. Do you have many secrets?

I have more secrets then you would think. *sips coffee*

79. Is your life simple or complicated.

As complicated as it can get. *sips coffee*

80. Do you have a habit that you CAN NOT overcome?

*chuckles* Oh, only that I'm addicted to caffiene *smirks*

81. What grosses you out.

Hmm, not much. *sips coffee*

82. Have you ever liked someone that all your friends hated?

That that I can recall. I don't have much friends now, and back then.

83. How do you calm down when you're extremly angry?

I don't.

84. Where do you want to go, vacation-wise.

I'm not sure if you know this, but when you're on parole for murder, you can't go on vacation.

85. Are you happy with your love situation?



*sips coffee*

86. Have your brothers or sisters ever tell you that you were adopted?
*sips coffee*

87. Anything bothering you?

Many things bother me.

88. Biggest regret?

I regret many things, but my biggest regret would have to be that I was so stupid as of to interview Dahlia and risk my life... and hers .

89. What do you want?



Her .

90. How is your mood today?

Bitter and cold, just like coffee that had been left in the fridge.

((OOC: Yeah, I couldn't find the other 10 questions. So how is it? It's kinda hard to roleplay as some one like Godot, but it was fun ^_^ I might do a PW fanfiction with Godot in jail... AND REDD WHITE! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN ))


Hesbell said...

Huh...didn't think that Godot was that cynical...thought he was more of a dark jester

Red-Rose said...

He is pretty cynical... or from what I've read/played...

I've read alot of amazing role plays/ fan fictions to try to understand Godot more. I think it worked. There are alot of great Godot roleplayers out there.